Theodore Presser, Carl Fischer, Boelke-Bomart/Schott/Mobart, Songs of Peer, and Warner-Chappell are distributors of Katherine's music.
Contemporary Mayan women's poetry.
Kyrie is a series of free variations on Kyrie fons bonitatis, as found in the Liber Usualis, an official Catholic book of chant based on historical sources. 'Kyrie eleison' is Greek for 'Lord, have mercy upon us' and serves as the first section of a mass.
The sound of several flutes playing unison Gregorian chant very softly has haunted me since I first heard it some years ago. When I was commissioned by the Tucson Flute Club this beautiful sound came to mind, and it led me to write this piece. The Kyrie fons bonitatis has an unusual form, with a two-part refrain. This refrain echos throughout my piece, and, after wandering far afield, brings it to a quiet close.
This piece began as a response to the events of September 2001--Page 2 of cover, In Memoriam.
Words in English derived from the poetry of Walt Whitman; words in Latin and English translation from the Catholic liturgy.